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Creatively Honoring the Magdalene through Art, Word and Song

Dancer Angie Flanagan Joins The Mary Magdalene Celebration
Time. This is the title of the piece that dancer and artist Angie Flanagan will be presenting during The Mary Magdalene Celebration as...

Thoughts on Mary Magdalene and the Creative Act
The Mary Magdalene Celebration is inspired by the Christian biblical character of Mary Magdalene, a disciple of Jesus Christ and a woman...

The Mary Magdalene Celebration 2023: Blossoming
This is an invitation to all who love Mary Magdalene. When I say "love Mary Magdalene", I mean all her manifestations, in any way you...

Mary Madalene, Our Lady of Spring
A meditation on the lessons of Mary Magdalene for a graceful life.

Love Letters from Mary Magdalene by Dr. Kristian Strang
I met Kristian Strang a couple of years ago when she ordered some prints of my paintings of Mary Magdalene to give to her students. Since...

Little Miracle
"When Mary Magdalene met Jesus Christ, she experienced the transformation of her heart. She became realigned with her enlightened nature....

Mary Magdalene in Post Impressionist Art
Mary Magdalene with Hibiscus flowers (the title may change) is a work in progress. Painting with my favorite medium, oil on canvas....
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Tanya Torres
Art for Love, Peace and Joy
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