The Dark Magdalene Dance Meditation With Corazon Tierra
Dancing the Dark Magdalene: A Meditative Performance Experience
Sunday, July 1, 2:00 PM

Enjoy and participate in a meditative dance inspired in The Dark Magdalene, a solo exhibition by artist Tanya Torres at the Bronx Music Heritage Center. In this piece interdisciplinary dance artist Corazon Tierra weaves a dance and a community meditative experience based on her responses to the paintings in the gallery. She will be accompanied by Artist-Shaman, Maria Mar, who will create meditative sounds for the dance. The dance culminates with a community experience, where everyone will be invited to sense and feel the paintings through movement and embodiment.
This new collection of paintings by Tanya explores the darkness that allows light to shine from within through her interpretation of Magdalene. Corazon will embody this sacred journey of the soul by feeling, sensing and experiencing the visual universe created by Tanya. She will offer an invitation to slow down and receive the gift of the Dark Magdalene.
About Corazon Tierra Corazon Tierra is a dance artist, poet, writer, dance educator and somatic movement educator. She is known for harmoniously fusing her poetry and dance in multidisciplinary performances. Corazon has presented her dance-poetry work in numerous venues in New York City, Spain, South Africa and Puerto Rico.
Her dance creations are meditative performances that follow the organic movements and natural rhythms of the living body, challenging beauty perceptions and revealing the connection of the human body with the natural world. Corazon offers these metaphors in motion to the community as an invitation to be present in the body, in the here and now, free of shame and judgment Corazon is the creator of EduDanzaâ„¢, a somatic movement dance education program for children of all ages, of DanzaSpa â„¢, a movement practice that combines holistic dance, somatics and creative movement, and of DanzaYoâ„¢, a community dance practice. Corazon holds an MA in Dance and Somatic Movement Education from the University of Central Lancashire (UK).
About Maria Mar Maria Mar is the Dream Alchemist, an author, poet, shaman and spiritual teacher whose life mission is to inspire women and all creative, spiritual beings to live a rich, fulfilling and magical life right now! Maria has helped thousands of women in three continents to break free from limitations so that they can unleash their greatness and fulfill their life purpose.
A PBS-featured storyteller and performer, Maria is also the author of non-fiction books Rewrite your Fairy Tales for Success: Do you Deserve Success? The Answer is Yes! and From Hiding in Plain Sight to Living my Brilliance and the fiction books A Place for Roses, Song of the Ocean and the Bewomaning Tales & Journeys Series. Her latest novel Angelina and the Law of Attraction is a shamanic fantasy embedded with shamanic insights on the Law of Attraction.
Maria has created dozens of digital products to help you live your brilliance. She is the creator of The Poetry Botánica™ events that present poetry, art and performance as a ceremony for community healing and personal transformation.