Her Fire Continues...

One of the most beautiful moments of 2018 and my entire life was the invitation to present a reflection at the Magdala Prayer Service of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. At a time when I most needed to remember my mission and my joy, I received a call from Debbie Webber, the Director of the Office of Peace, Justice and Care for Creation, Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. She left a message in my voicemail and her voice was so beautiful and peaceful, I wanted to know who this special person was. When she asked me if I would come, I had no doubt, I wanted to be there and be a part of the service.
Debbie, her husband and the Sisters and friends of the Sisters gave me the warmest welcome. Debbie invited me to say in her beautiful home and made me feel like a long-time friend. This experience nourished my soul.
A few days ago, I received a package from Debbie: a publication with her thoughts about the service. Here it is. Thank you Debbie! I am grateful to know you and hope to see you again one day! (Click on the page image to see the full publication in Issuu)