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Creatively Honoring the Magdalene through Art, Word and Song           Interview        Songs       Shop      Art Store

A Dimension of Reciprocity

Today’s Magdalene drawing.
Today’s Magdalene drawing.

Something magical is happening. It is the result of communication. I am connecting and reconnecting with friends who have always been there, working on their own creative acts, far and near. After a seven year silence, it’s as if the world has forgiven me. It is me who forsake it, but it seems happy to have me back. And loving people whom I thought I would never hear again, have returned.

The great writer Nicholasa Mohr once told me “take care of your art and your art will always take care of you.” She said it in an economic context, but now I know this statement goes beyond the material world and into the connection among all of us in the Universe.

I have celebrated the Magdalene all these years, and that was the only thread that kept alive my connection to people beyond close family and friends. And now, little by little, with so much drawing, writing and sharing, the energy of love is rising.

Art is about connection, spirituality is also about connection. Connection to onself and to the world. Artists often need solitude, but once the art process is complete, it’s time for sharing. Spiritual people need the same solitude, but they also need to be in communion with others. There isn’t much difference, apart from the medium.

Whatever our goal in life is, we can’t do it alone. It is pleasurable to collaborate, share ideas, or enjoy together the fruits of creativity. But it doesn’t happen on it’s own. We must take the first step. Or respond to the first call. That’s also a step.

I imagined that the Magdalene led me into another dimension. I wished for a dimension of reciprocity, where the conversation goes both ways, and thoughts are fully understood. Where equals share, where minds create passionately and joyously. Where the euphoria of ideas is contagious.

We are getting there.


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Tanya Torres  
Art for Love, Peace and Joy

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