
I “met” Mary Magdalene when I was 34 years old. At that time, I had recently gone through a 2 year cancer treatment, a standard chemotherapy followed by a recurrence, and a stem cell transplant. This was the time when I truly discovered my desires.
I didn’t want to die, but I felt I had done a lot. Then I survived, and I realized that I had so much more that I wanted to do. If I had died, I would have left so much unfinished. My son was little. My art was not fully born. And I had not gotten over my first tries as a teacher. There was a part of me that woke up and wanted to live, to live fully.
And life became so good and so intense.
For a while, I felt elated most of the time. I could see beauty clearly in everything and everyone.
And when I read about Mary Magdalene, I wanted to learn everything because there was so much beauty in her emerging story.
Through my paintings, I told the story I was learning. Each painting was inspired by a part of the story. And telling the story was a beautiful way to connect with people.
As time has passed, the concepts of the story of the Magdalene I am learning have become more abstract and subtle. Mary Magdalene’s story leads to learning about the essence and power of the human being. How do I illustrate that? It’s so much easier to tell in words.
This is similar to a line drawing. It’s saying everything with one simple element.
And like a line drawing, I have noticed that my desires have become very simple. I did everything I set out to do and now I just want to return to what’s essential. I want light, space, silence and time to create. I want simple good food. I want freedom to move, think, write and connect. I want less stuff and more life. I want walks on the beach at sunset, and gloriously colored dawns. I want a wild garden and all kinds of flowers. I want to be strong and brave. I want deep relationships, and intense moments of joy. I want a magical existence.
I have a lot of desires. Each drawing is a prayer.
Dear Judy, I agree! More laughter, and more fun are essential to a good life!!!!😘
Dear Judy, I agree! More laughter, and more fun are essential to a good life!!!!😘
Sensitive and beautiful writing. Gracias...
Muchas gracias querida Tanya. Tus palabras me han tocado en el corazón. Que la belleza, la paz, la abundancia, el Amor compasivo, la sabiduría, la armonía, la alegría se expandan para cada ser humano y para la Humanidad con todos sus seres sintientes. Como dice una hermosa frase de la India que es una pequeña oración "Que todos los seres de todos los mundos sean felices y alcancen las causas de la felicidad". Mucha gratitud y bendiciones en este hermoso trabajo que has emprendido y del que todos nos estamos TANTO beneficiando. Gracias infinitas. Un abrazo enorme.
I like the drawing and text very much. I believe and feel much of what you shared. I would add laughter. I want to laugh a lot, joyfully with friends and family. Thank you for sharing, Tanya.