Images from the Mary Magdalene Celebration 2023
I want to thank my friend Luis Rodriguez, LARO Photo, who took time from other commitments to support us during the celebration. He took the most beautiful photos! I hope you will enjoy them.

There are so many things I want to say and share about this year's Mary Magdalene Celebration.
But today, I will say it with pictures and a few words.

3pm: Art Reception and Mini Crafts Fair
Blossoming, for Mary Magdalene, hands on materials translated into new thoughts, and new beauty. Each expression, a truth.
4pm: Ceremony
Open your heart and listen in silence,
Corazón Tierra, a Heart on this Earth,
offers a gift of space within.
Hear the drum within this dance, and this silence,
Jorge will resonate, vibrate within us,
hands on the soul of the drum,
And the message of the Magdalene,
In You All Creation Blossoms,
MarÃa Mar Messenger,
Colorful blue and magenta words.
Hear the drum, and travel through Time,
Angie carries in her body a love letter from a woman,
To a man,
A spiritual love, a vessel of the goddess,
The feminine voice of God.
Hear the drum,
Yarisa speaks arcane words that decipher thoughts,
pouring inner depths, uniting hearts with the Earth.
Hear the drum,
Raquel sings past, present and future,
Each is a candle: a flaming spark of joy in our now tendered hearts.
Hear the drum: The Seventh Song, a last great dance!
A big Heart, and the very young ones,
All dance to the song and the drum.
If you join in this dance,
you will remember
your eternal joy.
(See the program in this link:

The Final Dance: A Community Blossoms in the Magdalene's Joyful presence. All were invited to join in the dance.