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Mary Magdalene's Flower

Mary Magdalene's Flower by Tanya Torres
Mary Magdalene's Flower by Tanya Torres, Acrylic on Canvas, 8" wide x 10" high,2022

A flower gloriously opens to the world, offering its beauty and abundance. We take it in through our senses, ultimately experiencing it in our heart. The heart of the Magdalene is a metaphor for that expanding and abundant sense of connection that blooms as we experience the beauty of her subtle message.

The butterfly is a symbol of life, evolution, rebirth. It is the symbol of Psyche, or the soul, the human who fell in love with a god and became immortal through love.

This is the Magdalene, whose soul offered the world abundant truth; who evolved, and became inmortal through her love for Jesus Christ. Her soul, like the butterfly, grew wings and elevated itself, ethereal and bright, light, expansive.

Expanding like fire.

I give the Magdalene an attribute, and try to learn about her as I paint her. This is the practice. While meditating on a symbol that emerges from imagination, and immersed in a meditative state, a sense of completeness reveals a truth, that cannot be expressed in words. It is a kind of happiness, an inefable joy.


Invitations for expanding beauty, discovering our soul's connection, and compliment our natural spiritual paths:


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Tanya Torres  
Art for Love, Peace and Joy

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