Painting, Design, Drawing, Post

I worked all day and it’s almost 11:30 pm, but I achieved all my creative goals today. I finished the small painting of Mary Magdalene I started last week. I worked on a product for several hours and was able to almost arrive at a finished design. I did a simple drawing of Mary Magdalene. And now, I’m working on writing on this blog. It was great to start the new habits on a Saturday, since I was able to work with full attention and energy.
I am keeping the products I designed today secret until I am ready to publish Creative Soul. These are stickers, containing phrases and some of the artworks that appear in the book. I wanted to create something inspiring and fun that can also be useful for designing the life we want to live...
It was a beautiful day, full of grace and light. I felt accompanied by Mary Magdalene, and filled with an energy that sustained me throughout the day. And I still have tomorrow!
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