The Habit of Creation

The time has come to review my list and choose two more habits to cultivate. I am going to need a lot of help from Mary Magdalene for this. Because even though these two things are not new for me, I am having a hard time with consistency to practice them.
One is painting, the other is creating products based on my art to post in my website or Etsy stores. I have been practicing, but the truth is I will need to find ways to take action without becoming overwhelmed or overtired.
The last time I painted at night, on Wednesday, I had a hard time sleeping and then getting up. The habits of sleeping and getting up early are non-negotiable and are what supports my discipline and productivity at work. Without sleep, I can’t do anything else.
So what will I do? I think that if I find a way to make set up and cleanup easy, I will be able to manage a small area of a painting. So just like I have this ritual to draw and then write, I need to find the rhythm to make painting part of the night ritual. I will need to accept that the time will be limited, which is hard to accept!
For creating products, I will have to accept that some products will need more time than others. If I work for 15 minutes on a new product in progress, I will give myself credit. And if I work on the book Creative Soul, since it’s a product, it will count.
The idea is to immerse myself in the habit of creation. To make it easy and fluid.
To seal this commitment, it seems right to end with some verses from 7 Songs of Praise to Mary Magdalene by Raquel Z. Rivera:
Mary my Queen
Mary my holy dark one
Mary my white dove
Deep cup of temperance
Firm tower of praises
Green branch from the olive tree
Mary my holy dark lady
Magdalene, you are She Who Knows
To listen to the songs: